extended hiatus

Due to expanded commitments to my small press, I've been forced to cut down on some other projects. I would be delighted if someone else came forward to carry on this blog. Meanwhile, I hope some of the links and contacts herein are of some use.



Anthology release reading: Philly: 10/12/08

Sunday, October 12, 4pm: Robin's Bookstore (108 S 13th St, Philadelphia) presents a group reading: State of the Union: Political Poems for Our Times.

Readers will include CA Conrad, Dan Featherston, Ish Klein, Sueyeun Juliette Lee, Bill Marsh, Frank Sherlock and Nathaniel Siegel.

This reading is in honor of a new anthology published by Wave Books, State of the Union: 50 Political Poems, edited by Joshua Beckman and Matthew Zapruder (Wave, $14.00). Readings will be in the spirit of the anthology: "From rough optimism to sharp criticism, fifty American poets present new work dissecting the current political climate in America. Wide-ranging writers bring their bold and urgent voices to this collection, which includes the work of John Ashbery, Lucille Clifton, Terrance Hayes, Eileen Myles, [the late] Reginald Shepherd and John Yau, among many others."

Related to the anthology and counting down the last fifty days until the election, this blog might be of interest: http://poetrypolitic.com/

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